anti-Zionism Egypt Far left Israel MondoWeiss Tahrir Square

Chilling video from Tahrir Square…and chilling rationalizations

Check out the video posted below, from Tahrir Square yesterday. They are chanting “To Jerusalem we are heading, martyrs in the millions.” Then check out the responses to the same video from the gang at Mondo Weiss. A coterie of commentators who think of themselves as proponents of human rights and universal values fall over […]

Hebron Israel Israeli occupation Israeli settlements MondoWeiss

Cancel tax-exemptions for U.S. funders of settlements ASAP

U.S. tax-exempt charities are in league with the devil in the occupied territories. Coteret, an increasingly important blog by Didi Remez, tells us: Last Tuesday (December 1 2009) an investigative report in Haaretz revealed that Machanaim a US 501c3 tax exempt charity is funding the Task Force to Save the Nation and the Land (aka […]