American foreign policy American Jews Iran Iraq Israel Jeffrey Goldberg

Jeffrey Goldberg breaks major taboo: says interests of U.S. and Israel might diverge

There is a ridiculous canard that American Jews who speak out against Israel are “courageous.” These days, it requires no bravery to say almost anything you want to say about Israel in a public forum (unless, of course, you are a politician, or an official in a mainstream Jewish organization). But what Jeffrey Goldberg just […]

Ahmadinejad AIPAC American foreign policy Bush Administration Iran Iraq Israel Mearsheimer and Walt Middle East peace process

The peace process, Iran and the law of unintended consequences

At a luncheon panel on Israel and Iran at the Century Foundation yesterday, I was taken aback by some thoughts shared by Trita Parsi, author of the new and highly regarded Dangerous Alliance -The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States, and Daniel Levy, the former Israeli negotiator who is now Director of […]

American foreign policy American Jews Anti-Semitism Douglas Feith Dual loyalty Iraq Israel neoconservatives

Weiss exonerates people who are obsessed with dual loyalty…

Philip Weiss reacted to my HuffPo piece (see previous post) on the neocons with a little essay entitled Fleshler Exonerates the Neocons of Dual Loyalties. Why He’s Wrong. Take a look at it. Take a look at the comments. There are a number of people, including Richard Witty, who disagree with Phil and make some […]