A number of Jewiish peace groups are trying to cobble together a rally in Annapolis next week (11/27). As of now, they include Ameinu, Americans for Peace Now, Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, Meretz USA, Union of Progressive Zionists, Kesher ARZA, Habonim Dror and Hashomer Hatzair. One of the problems that haunts peace-seeking people is that, let’s face it, there just isn’t all that much anyone can DO to affect matters in Israel and Palestine. Well, here is a way to ensure that the American Jewish right wing and Christian Zionists are not in control of the atmospherics and domestic political context of U.S. Middle East policy, which are important.
What follows is the low-down on the rally from Ameinu’s web site.
Save the Date: Rally for Peace in Annapolis!
A group of progressive pro-Israel organizations are working to organize a Rally for Palestinian-Israeli Peace at Annapolis on Tuesday Nov. 27, from 1 pm – 3 pm. We are organizing at least one bus from New York City to Annapolis, and invite participation from anyone who would like to drive or would like a ride to attend the rally from the Maryland/DC area, and other cities. When the City of Annapolis approves our permit request, and we confirm the final peace conference schedule, we will announce additional details. Parking information and exact rally location will be announced no later than Monday, 11/26.
Why We Must Speak Out Now
The rally provides an opportunity for American Jews to express their support for a Palestinian-Israeli peace agreement and strong US involvement in helping Israelis and Palestinians continue the negotiations until they succeed, bringing peace and security to both peoples. Your voice and your presence are needed. As American Jews, we must show that our love for Israel does not only manifest itself during times of war. We must show our solidarity with the citizens of Israel and Palestine as they work for peace.
If you’d like to participate in the rally or are considering joining in, please let us know that you are interested in attending. Send an email with your name to annapolisrally@gmail.com
If you’re interested in riding the bus from NYC to Annapolis (round trip), please let us know at annapolisrally@gmail.com how many spaces you and anyone else in your party will need on the bus. Please provide your name, email and phone number and we will notify you as soon as arrangements are finalized. A preliminary count will help us reserve the right number of buses. Those who do ride the bus will be asked to contribute towards the fare for the bus rental: $10 per person for students and under 25 (a possible full subsidy for the bus fare is in the works for students and under 25); $20 fare for adults over 25.
If you’d like to arrange a ride for yourself or can offer space to others in your vehicle, please let us know at annapolisrally@gmail.com, and include the city from which you will be departing.
Please indicate in the subject line of your email the appropriate heading:
Interested in attending
Interested in riding the bus from NYC
Interested in driving and in offering a ride to others
Interested in a ride by carWhy We Must Be There
Right-wing Jews, along with fundamentalist evangelical Christians opposed to any Israeli territorial compromise or peace talks, will be staging a rally at a different time and place in Annapolis. Now is the time to speak out and show the American public and the entire American Jewish community that American Jews support peace.
Signs and Slogans
The co-sponsoring organizations will offer a variety of messages which can be used on signs and banners. Non-approved messages will not be permitted at the rally. Our common goal is to insure that the rally is pro-Israel and conveys our support for a negotiated two-state solution. Watch for more information.
Sponsoring Organizations
A list of co-sponsors is in formation. Organizations currently co-sponsoring the rally include:
Americans for Peace Now
Meretz USA
Union of Progressive Zionists
Kesher ARZA
Habonim Dror
Hashomer Hatzair
Brit Tzedek v’ Shalom
Please forward to other interested parties and lists.
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