anti-Zionism Egypt Far left Israel MondoWeiss Tahrir Square

Chilling video from Tahrir Square…and chilling rationalizations

Check out the video posted below, from Tahrir Square yesterday. They are chanting “To Jerusalem we are heading, martyrs in the millions.” Then check out the responses to the same video from the gang at Mondo Weiss. A coterie of commentators who think of themselves as proponents of human rights and universal values fall over […]

American Jews anti-Zionism Apartheid Arab-Israeli conflict BDS delegitimization Far left Israel Israeli occupation

“Not All Criticism Of Israel Is the Same”

My op-ed on the campaign against the “anti-delegitimization” of Israel was just posted on the New York Jewish Week web site. The far left won’t like it. The far right won’t like it. I don’t know what the centrists will think… Here it is: Not All Criticism Of Israel Is The Same In an article […]

American Jews Benjamin Netanyahu Far left Gaza Strip Goldstone report J Street Michael Oren Richard Goldstone

Michael Oren hurts Israel by snubbing J Street

Michael Oren, Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S, is the Jewish state’s highest ranking envoy to the American government and, by extension, to the American people. One of his principal responsibilities is to ensure that, when push comes to shove, Americans –including American Jews– will support U.S. efforts to protect Israel’s core security interests. That is […]

American Jews Americans for Peace Now Arab-Israeli conflict Far left Israel J Street Jewish identity

The kids are alright at J Street

It was Palestinian suffering that got me engaged with Israel and concerned about its future. I had attended Habonim camp and had grown up in an ardently Labor Zionist household. But when I was in my twenties, I didn’t have much to do with Israel until the massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatilla […]

Ameinu anti-Zionism Far left Israel Palestinians Six Day War Zionism

Cry from the heart of Israeli leftist, in 1968, still rings true

The good people of Ameinu have posted what is, in their words, “perhaps THE seminal article in response to the anti-Zionist Left, written by Amos Kenan in 1968. Mr Kenan recently passed away – but he leaves us this important piece.” It was written before it was clear that Israel would be ruling over another […]

Ameinu American foreign policy American Jews Americans for Peace Now Barack Obama Far left Israel Israeli settlements J Street Jewish identity Palestinians Progressive Jews

“Tough love” for Israel will be tough on the pro-Israel peace camp

A new Zogby International poll shows that 71 percent of Obama backers think the United States should “get tough with Israel” in order to stop settlement expansion, while 26 percent of McCain supporters feel that way. 80 percent of likely Obama voters also agreed with the statement, “It’s time for the United States to get […]

Far left Gaza Strip Hamas Israel Israeli occupation one state solution Palestinians

Why Albert Einstein can’t help the orphans of Gaza

Over at MondoWeiss, Adam Horowitz gives us a “Zeitgeist Alert” and proclaims that “The two-state solution is dead.” He quotes a piece by Sandy Tolan in the Christian Science Monitor that presents all-too-familiar arguments for why it is too late, there is no hope, the Palestinians have been deprived of a state of their own, […]

American Jews Americans for Peace Now Far left Gaza Strip Hamas Israel Israeli Arabs J Street Palestinians Progressive Jews

Ignoring reality in the Gaza Strip is the problem, not the “mainstream media”

No doubt Ethan Bronner will be attacked by both the Israel-can-do-no-right crowd and their ideological adversaries for his wonderful piece in today’s NY Times, which conveys the impossibility of covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without offending someone. No doubt the attacks on him will prove his point: Trying to tell the story so that both sides […]

Far left Gaza Strip Hamas Israel Israeli occupation Palestinians

Odessa, 1918 and the Gaza Strip, 2008-2009

My maternal grandmother, Pearl Weiner, used to tell me stories about her adolescence in Odessa, where, in 1918, she lived through the Ukrainian Revolution. In one year, Odessa was overrun with a succession of occupying armies and gangs, whom she invariably described as “the Bolsheviks, the Denekinovitches [followers of Anton Denekin, a White Russian General] […]